2024 Volunteer Appreciation Picnic
Event Dates
- Tuesday, 09/10/2024 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Event Description
Are you a Dane County Parks and/or a Land & Water Resources Department volunteer? If yes, please join your fellow volunteers and staff for our annual volunteer recognition picnic to celebrate the work you do all season long! Your family is welcome to attend and enjoy the time with you and others.
- RSVP Required - Please RSVP by 8/27 so that we can get an accurate food count. You can use the "Sign Up" button below to sign up. Once registered, you should see a "Signup Successful" page and receive an email confirming that you are signed up.
- Note: if you do not have an email, give Claire a call to be added to the list.
Start & End Time: 5pm - 7:30pm (feel free to arrive anytime during the event).
Food & Beverages: All food and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.
- Do you have dietary restrictions? Please complete the dietary restrictions survey here.
Thank you to the Foundation for Dane County Parks for sponsoring this event!
Heritage Center Solar Shelter @ William G. Lunney Lake Farm County Park
- Heritage Center, 3101 Lake Farm Rd., Madison WI 53711
Car and bike parking available
- Solar Shelter is right off the Capital City Trail
Claire Lamberg; (608) 516-3703 lamberg.claire@danecounty.gov
Categories: Volunteer
Registration for this event has ended.